Source code for htcondenser.dagman

DAGMan class to handle DAGs in HTCondor.

import logging
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from subprocess import check_call
from collections import OrderedDict
import htcondenser as ht
from htcondenser.common import date_time_now, check_dir_create

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DAGMan(object): """Class to implement DAG, and manage Jobs and dependencies. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename to write DAG jobs. This cannot be on /users, must be on NFS drive, e.g. /storage. status_file : str, optional Filename for DAG status file. See status_update_period : int or str, optional Refresh period for DAG status file in seconds. dot : str, optional Filename for dot file. dot can then be used to generate a pictoral representation of jobs in the DAG and their relationships. other_args : dict, optional Dictionary of {variable: value} for other DAG options. Attributes ---------- JOB_VAR_NAME : str Name of variable to hold job arguments string to pass to, required in both DAG file and condor submit file. """ # name of variable for individual condor submit files JOB_VAR_NAME = 'jobOpts' def __init__(self, filename='jobs.dag', status_file='jobs.status', status_update_period=30, dot=None, other_args=None): super(DAGMan, self).__init__() self.dag_filename = os.path.abspath(filename) if self.dag_filename.startswith('/users'): raise IOError('You cannot put DAG filename on /users - must be on NFS (e.g.. /storage') self.status_file = status_file self.status_update_period = str(status_update_period) = dot self.other_args = other_args # Check output filenames are not blank # --------------------------------------------------------------------- for f in [self.dag_filename, self.status_file,]: bad_filenames = ['', '.'] if f in bad_filenames: raise OSError('Bad output filename') # hold info about Jobs. key is name, value is a dict = OrderedDict() def __getitem__(self, i): if isinstance(i, int): if i >= len(self): raise IndexError() return[i]['job'] elif isinstance(i, slice): return [x['job'] for x in[i]] else: raise TypeError('Invalid argument type - must be int or slice') def __len__(self): return len(
[docs] def add_job(self, job, requires=None, job_vars=None, retry=None): """Add a Job to the DAG. Parameters ---------- job : Job Job object to be added to DAG requires : str, Job, iterable[str], iterable[Job], optional Individual or a collection of Jobs or job names that must run first before this job can run. i.e. the job(s) specified here are the parents, whilst the added job is their child. job_vars : str, optional String of job variables specifically for the DAG. Note that program arguments should be set in Job.args not here. retry : int or str, optional Number of retry attempts for this job. By default the job runs once, and if its exit code != 0, the job has failed. Raises ------ KeyError If a Job with that name has already been added to the DAG. TypeError If the `job` argument is not of type Job. If `requires` argument is not of type str, Job, iterable(str) or iterable(Job). """ if not isinstance(job, ht.Job): raise TypeError('Cannot added a non-Job object to DAGMan.') if in raise KeyError('Job with name %s already exists in DAG - names must be unique' % # Append necessary job arguments to any user opts. job_vars = job_vars or "" job_vars += 'jobOpts="%s"' % job.generate_job_arg_str()[] = dict(job=job, job_vars=job_vars, retry=retry, requires=None) hierarchy_list = [] # requires can be: # - a job name [str] # - a list/tuple/set of job names [list(str)] # - a Job [Job] # - a list/tuple/set of Jobs [list(Job)] if requires: if isinstance(requires, str): hierarchy_list.append(requires) elif isinstance(requires, ht.Job): hierarchy_list.append( elif hasattr(requires, '__getitem__'): # maybe getattr better? for it in requires: if isinstance(it, str): hierarchy_list.append(it) elif isinstance(it, ht.Job): hierarchy_list.append( else: raise TypeError('Can only add list of Jobs or list of job names') else: raise TypeError('Can only add Job(s) or job name(s)') # Keep list of names of Jobs that must be executed before this one.[]['requires'] = hierarchy_list
[docs] def check_job_requirements(self, job): """Check that the required Jobs actually exist and have been added to DAG. Parameters ---------- job : Job or str Job object or name of Job to check. Raises ------ KeyError If job(s) have prerequisite jobs that have not been added to the DAG. TypeError If `job` argument is not of type str or Job, or an iterable of strings or Jobs. """ job_name = '' if isinstance(job, ht.Job): job_name = elif isinstance(job, str): job_name = job else: log.debug(type(job)) raise TypeError('job argument must be job name or Job object.') req_jobs = set([job_name]['requires']) all_jobs = set( if not req_jobs.issubset(all_jobs): raise KeyError('The following requirements on %s do not have corresponding ' 'Job objects: %s' % (job_name, ', '.join(list(req_jobs - all_jobs))))
[docs] def check_job_acyclic(self, job): """Check no circular requirements, e.g. A ->- B ->- A Get all requirements for all parent jobs recursively, and check for the presence of this job in that list. Parameters ---------- job : Job or str Job or job name to check Raises ------ RuntimeError If job has circular dependency. """ job_name = if isinstance(job, ht.Job) else job parents =[job_name]['requires'] log.debug('Checking %s', job_name) log.debug(parents) while parents: new_parents = [] for p in parents: grandparents =[p]['requires'] if job_name in grandparents: raise RuntimeError("%s is in requirements for %s - cannot " "have cyclic dependencies" % (job_name, p)) new_parents.extend(grandparents) parents = new_parents[:] return True
[docs] def generate_job_str(self, job): """Generate a string for job, for use in DAG file. Includes condor job file, any vars, and other options e.g. RETRY. Job requirements (parents) are handled separately in another method. Parameters ---------- job : Job or str Job or job name. Returns ------- name : str Job listing for DAG file. Raises ------ TypeError If `job` argument is not of type str or Job. """ job_name = '' if isinstance(job, ht.Job): job_name = elif isinstance(job, str): job_name = job else: log.debug(type(job)) raise TypeError('job argument must be job name or Job object.') job_obj =[job_name]['job'] job_contents = ['JOB %s %s' % (job_name, job_obj.manager.filename)] job_vars =[job_name]['job_vars'] if job_vars: job_contents.append('VARS %s %s' % (job_name, job_vars)) job_retry =[job_name]['retry'] if job_retry: job_contents.append('RETRY %s %s' % (job_name, job_retry)) return '\n'.join(job_contents)
[docs] def generate_job_requirements_str(self, job): """Generate a string of prerequisite jobs for this job. Does a check to make sure that the prerequisite Jobs do exist in the DAG, and that DAG is acyclic. Parameters ---------- job : Job or str Job object or name of job. Returns ------- str Job requirements if prerequisite jobs. Otherwise blank string. Raises ------ TypeError If `job` argument is not of type str or Job. """ job_name = '' if isinstance(job, ht.Job): job_name = elif isinstance(job, str): job_name = job else: log.debug(type(job)) raise TypeError('job argument must be job name or Job object.') self.check_job_requirements(job) self.check_job_acyclic(job) if[job_name]['requires']: return 'PARENT %s CHILD %s' % (' '.join([job_name]['requires']), job_name) else: return ''
[docs] def generate_dag_contents(self): """ Generate DAG file contents as a string. Returns ------- str: DAG file contents """ # Hold each line as entry in this list, then finally join with \n contents = ['# DAG created at %s' % date_time_now(), ''] # Add jobs for name in contents.append(self.generate_job_str(name)) # Add parent-child relationships for name in req_str = self.generate_job_requirements_str(name) if req_str != '': contents.append(req_str) # Add other options for DAG if self.status_file: contents.append('') contents.append('NODE_STATUS_FILE %s %s' % (self.status_file, self.status_update_period)) if contents.append('') contents.append('# Make a visual representation of this DAG (for PDF format):') fmt = 'pdf' output_file = os.path.splitext([0] + '.' + fmt contents.append('# dot -T%s %s -o %s' % (fmt,, output_file)) contents.append('DOT %s' % if self.other_args: contents.append('') for k, v in self.other_args.iteritems(): contents.append('%s = %s' % (k, v)) contents.append('') return '\n'.join(contents)
[docs] def get_jobsets(self): """Get a list of all unique JobSets managing Jobs in this DAG. Returns ------- name : list List of unique JobSet objects. """ return list(set([jdict['job'].manager for jdict in]))
[docs] def write(self): """Write DAG to file and causes all Jobs to write their HTCondor submit files.""" dag_contents = self.generate_dag_contents()'Writing DAG to %s', self.dag_filename) check_dir_create(os.path.dirname(self.dag_filename)) with open(self.dag_filename, 'w') as dfile: dfile.write(dag_contents) # Write job files for each JobSet for manager in self.get_jobsets(): manager.write(dag_mode=True)
[docs] def submit(self, force=False, submit_per_interval=10): """Write all necessary submit files, transfer files to HDFS, and submit DAG. Also prints out info for user. Parameters ---------- force : bool, optional Force condor_submit_dag submit_per_interval : int, optional Number of DAGMan submissions per interval. The default 10 every 5 seconds. Raises ------ CalledProcessError If condor_submit_dag returns non-zero exit code. """ self.write() for manager in self.get_jobsets(): manager.transfer_to_hdfs() cmds = ['condor_submit_dag', self.dag_filename] if force: cmds.insert(1, '-f') # modify the env vars to modify DAGMan config settings # Not great, myabe should go for explciit config file instead? mod_env = deepcopy(os.environ) mod_env['_CONDOR_DAGMAN_MAX_SUBMITS_PER_INTERVAL'] = str(submit_per_interval) check_call(cmds, env=mod_env)'Check DAG status:\nDAGstatus %s', self.status_file)