Source code for htcondenser.common

"""Functions/classes that are commonly used."""

import logging
import os
from subprocess import check_call, Popen, PIPE
import shutil
import datetime

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FileMirror(object): """Simple class to store location of mirrored files: the original, the copy of HDFS, and the copy on the worker node.""" def __init__(self, original, hdfs, worker): super(FileMirror, self).__init__() self.original = original self.hdfs = hdfs self.worker = worker def __repr__(self): arg_str = ', '.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.iteritems()]) return 'FileMirror(%s)' % (arg_str) def __str__(self): arg_str = ', '.join(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.iteritems()]) return 'FileMirror(%s)' % arg_str
[docs]def check_dir_create(directory): """Check to see if directory exists, if not create it. Parameters ---------- directory : str Name of directory to check and create. Raises ------- IOError If 'directory' already exists but is a file. """ if not os.path.isdir(directory): if os.path.isfile(directory): raise IOError('%s is already a file, cannot make dir' % directory)"Making directory %s", directory) if os.path.abspath(directory).startswith('/hdfs'): check_call(['hadoop', 'fs', '-mkdir', '-p', os.path.abspath(directory).replace('/hdfs', '')]) else: os.makedirs(directory)
[docs]def cp_hdfs(src, dest, force=True): """Copy file between src and destination, allowing for one or both to be on HDFS. Uses the hadoop commands if possible to ensure safe transfer. Parameters ---------- src : str Source filepath. For files on HDFS, use the full filepath, /hdfs/... dest : str Destination filepath. For files on HDFS, use the full filepath, /hdfs/... force : bool, optional If True, will overwrite destination file if it already exists. """ # Check if source and/or destination reside on HDFS flag_src_hdfs = src.startswith("/hdfs") flag_dest_hdfs = dest.startswith("/hdfs") if flag_src_hdfs or flag_dest_hdfs: # Create HDFS-compatible paths src_hdfs = src.replace("/hdfs", "") if flag_src_hdfs else src dest_hdfs = dest.replace("/hdfs", "") if flag_dest_hdfs else dest # use hadoop command hadoop_cmd = '-cp' if not flag_dest_hdfs: hadoop_cmd = '-copyToLocal' elif not flag_src_hdfs: hadoop_cmd = '-copyFromLocal' cmds = ['hadoop', 'fs', hadoop_cmd] if force: cmds.append('-f') cmds.extend([src_hdfs, dest_hdfs]) log.debug(cmds) check_call(cmds) else: # use normal copy command if os.path.isfile(src): shutil.copy2(src, dest) elif os.path.isdir(src): shutil.copytree(src, dest)
[docs]def date_time_now(fmt='%H:%M:%S %d %B %Y'): """Get current date and time as a string. Parameters ---------- fmt : str, optional Format string for time. Default is %H:%M:%S %d %B %Y. See strftime docs. Returns ------- str Current date and time. """ return
[docs]def date_now(fmt='%d %B %Y'): """Get current date as a string. Parameters ---------- fmt : str, optional Format string for time. Default is %d %B %Y. See strftime docs. Returns ------- str Current date. """ return
[docs]def time_now(fmt="%H:%M:%S"): """Get current time as a string. Parameters ---------- fmt : str, optional Format string for time. Default is %H:%M:%S. See strftime docs. Returns ------- str Current time. """ return
[docs]def check_certificate(): """Check the user's grid certificate is valid, and > 1 hour time left. Raises ------ RuntimeError If certificate not valid. If certificate valid but has < 1 hour remaining. """ # use Popen and not check_output as doesn't exist in py2.6 proc = Popen(['voms-proxy-info'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() if err == '': parts = [line.split(':', 1) for line in out.split('\n') if line] voms_dict = dict((x[0].strip(), x[1].strip()) for x in parts) if int(voms_dict['timeleft'].split(":")[0]) < 1: raise RuntimeError('Your certificate has less than 1 hour remaining, ' 'please renew using `voms-proxy-init -voms cms --valid 168`') else: raise RuntimeError(err)
[docs]def check_good_filename(filename): """Checks the filename isn't rubbish e.g. blank, a period Raises ------ OSError If bad filename """ bad_filenames = ['', '.'] if filename in bad_filenames: raise OSError('Bad filename %s' % f)